Raising animals for food consumes a lot of land, food, energy, and water and causes animals to suffer tremendously. Globally, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all the world's transportation systems combined. Global warming has caused erratic climate patterns that have affected many parts of the world in the form of various disasters. Help to protect Mother Earth by going vegetarian today! To start, watch these two-minute videos on how to make vegetarian dishes that are both delectable and easy to prepare.

Soymilk and Sweet Potato Delight

Soymilk and Sweet Potato Delight

Soymilk and Sweet Potato Delight Ingredients: 180g sweet potatoes 30g nuts 25g brown sugar Directions: Cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces, and boil with soymilk until soft. Add the nuts and brown sugar, and stir well. ABOUT US Our StoryAwardsOur ImpactFinancial...

Deep-fried Banana Rolls

Deep-fried Banana Rolls

A heavenly being saw a ghost lash a pile of bones and curse furiously at them. So she went over and asked the ghost what he was doing…

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