5 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Summer is almost here, and everyone can't wait to hit the beach. In today's 5-minute fat burning workout, you'll find a few exercises to get you ready for an amazing summer. Zhao Lin-yi has deformed thumbs and has also developed other conditons due to a rare gene Summer is almost here, and everyone can't wait

5 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Summer is almost here, and everyone can't wait to hit the beach. In today's 5-minute fat burning workout, you'll find a few exercises to get you ready for an amazing summer.

Eat Your Way to Happiness Eat Your

When people are feeling down, they tend to turn to high-calorie, high-fat, or high-sugar foods to lift their moods. But do these foods really help? Exactly how can our diet affect our mood? In Italy, many small and large Inn In Italy, many small and large firms are experimenting with new ways of building,

Eat Your Way to Happiness

When people are feeling down, they tend to turn to high-calorie, high-fat, or high-sugar foods to lift their moods. But do these foods really help? Exactly how can our diet affect our mood?

Striding Toward a New Chapter in Life

Riding his motorbike, Rodello roams around his neighborhood in Zamboanga, Philippines. A closer look reveals that he only has one leg. His right leg was amputated after he was injured while trying to save lives in an accident. Since then, he has lost his job and now runs a grocery stall to make a living.

Striding Toward a New Chapter in Life

Riding his motorbike, Rodello roams around his neighborhood in Zamboanga, Philippines. A closer look reveals that he only has one leg. His right leg was amputated after he was injured while trying to save lives in an accident. Since then, he has lost his job and now runs a grocery stall to make a living.





What exercises can we do to alleviate sciatica, and how can TCM help relieve the unbearable pain it causes?

The Promoter of Taiwanese Coffee

Despite facing many challenges, how has Doong Ding He promoted Taiwanese coffee to more coffee lovers?

Sports Medicine (Part 2)

How does sports medicine boost athletes' performance and prevent injuries?


A man feeling unwell was found to have blood that was chocolate brown in color. What would be the cause?

Go Vegetarian

Go Vegetarian

Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

ESG is not just about taking actions that benefit our environment; it also provides businesses with a competitive edge. Look at how one of Taiwan's largest vehicle light manufacturers maintains a mere one percent turnover rate by incorporating ESG practices.
If all ice sheets melt and sea levels rise, what would Mother Earth look like then? A look at how precious water is in drought-stricken Kenya, and the efforts Hong Kong, Japan Can you imagine touring around Venice scuba diving? Can you If all ice sheets melt and sea levels

Master Class

Master Class

Achieving Unattainable Dreams

Lin Tahan, co-founder of Backer-Founder, a crowdfunding consulting company, believes that with the power of crowdfunding, all dreams are achievable, including the one to make our world a better place.

Achieving Unattainable Dreams

Lin Tahan, co-founder of Backer-Founder, a crowdfunding consulting company, believes that with the power of crowdfunding, all dreams are achievable, including the one to make our world a better place.

The Keys to a Healthy Relationship

According to high school counseling teacher Huang Bo-jun, what are the three main factors that determine a healthy relationship, and what is his advice for those who are seeking an ideal partner?

The Keys to a Healthy Relationship

According to high school counseling teacher Huang Bo-jun, what are the three main factors that determine a healthy relationship, and what is his advice for those who are seeking an ideal partner?

Aging Gracefully in
Good Company

Through his example, Dr. Tsao Wen-long, director of the dementia center at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, shares the importance of having a good circle of friends in the community for aging gracefully.

Aging Gracefully in Good Company

Through his example, Dr. Tsao Wen-long, director of the dementia center at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, shares the importance of having a good circle of friends in the community for aging gracefully.



The Female Wind Turbine Technician
In Quest of Happiness
Huang Qiu-hong
Laundry Worker
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The Female Wind Turbine Technician
The Female Wind Turbine Technician
Aspiring to a career in electrical engineering, Helen Wu has overcome challenges and skepticism in a male-dominated industry to become the only female onshore wind turbine technician in Taiwan.
In Quest of Happiness
In Quest of Happiness
Once passionate about fashion and a victim of domestic violence, Liu Xian-ting turned to vegetarianism and Buddhism to seek happiness. Yet, it wasn't until she came across a place that she gradually realized the true meaning of happiness…
Huang Qiu-hong
Huang Qiu-hong
Huang Qiu-hong is his grandson's idol due to his many talents, including playing the erhu for the elderly in nursing homes and growing herbs for Covid prevention.
Laundry Worker
Laundry Worker
Have you ever been frustrated by stubborn stains on your favorite clothes, pondering the secret behind laundry workers' stain-removing skills? Join us to find out how they work their magic!
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The Female Wind Turbine Technician

Aspiring to a career in electrical engineering, Helen Wu has overcome challenges and skepticism in a male-dominated industry to become the only female onshore wind turbine technician in Taiwan.

In Quest of Happiness

Once passionate about fashion and a victim of domestic violence, Liu Xian-ting turned to vegetarianism and Buddhism to seek happiness. Yet, it wasn't until she came across a place that she gradually realized the true meaning of happiness…

Huang Qiu-hong

Huang Qiu-hong is his grandson's idol due to his many talents, including playing the erhu for the elderly in nursing homes and growing herbs for Covid prevention.

Laundry Worker

Have you ever been frustrated by stubborn stains on your favorite clothes, pondering the secret behind laundry workers' stain-removing skills? Join us to find out how they work their magic!

Love in Action

Love in Action

Tzu Chi's First Large-scale Charity Events

In two and a half months in 1991, Tzu Chi held a series of charity events to solicit funds for a medical research center in eastern Taiwan. What were the features and the significance of these events?

Tzu Chi's First Large-scale Charity Events

In two and a half months in 1991, Tzu Chi held a series of charity events to solicit funds for a medical research center in eastern Taiwan. What were the features and the significance of these events?


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Eleven-year-old Hong Shiya in Fujian, China is the major caretaker for her bedridden father. To cheer him up, she is planning a surprise for him.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Eleven-year-old Hong Shiya in Fujian, China is the major caretaker for her bedridden father. To cheer him up, she is planning a surprise for him.


Envision My Own Later Years

Childless and advanced in age, 67-year-old You Cai-yun began to ponder what her later years might be like. By caring for other seniors who live alone, she finds answers and envisions those years ahead.

Envision My Own Later Years

Childless and advanced in age, 67-year-old You Cai-yun began to ponder what her later years might be like. By caring for other seniors who live alone, she finds answers and envisions those years ahead.





Great Dharma Masters in History

Great Dharma Masters in History

Dharma Master Hui Neng

Dharma Master Hui Neng came from a poor family and made a living as a firewood peddler. One day, he heard someone reciting the Diamond Sutra and was deeply inspired. How did he eventually become the sixth great patriarch of Chan Buddhism?

Dharma Master Lianchi Zhuhong

Born to a prestigious family in Hangzhou, China, Dharma Master Lianchi Zhuhong became a monk at 31 after awakening to life's impermanence as a result of the demise of his family members.

Dharma Master Bodhidharma

The 3rd son of an Indian king, Dharma Master Bodhidharma travelled to China and became the founder of Chan Buddhism. Often depicted as fully-bearded and wide-eyed, Bodhidharma had many legendary accounts of his life…

Featured Video

Featured Video

The Story of the Buddha

Did you know that over 2,500 years ago, a prince renounced his royal life to seek ways for everyone to transcend suffering? This Buddha Day, travel back in time with us in a three-minute video to explore his journey to enlightenment.

Tzu Chi 2023 Year in Review

2023 has been an eventful year. Apart from wars and conflicts, natural disasters have left a trail of destruction in their wake. Watch the video to witness the stories of resilience and how disaster survivors rebuilt their lives in the aftermath.

Silent Mentors (Part II)

In life, no one can escape illness. When we fall ill, it will be a blessing if we can come across a good and caring doctor. To help nurture such humane doctors, body donors selflessly gave their bodies for medical education after their passing. At Taiwan's Tzu Chi University, they are respectfully referred to as "silent mentors."

Ten Years After Morakot

After Typhoon Morakot devastated southern Taiwan in 2009, Tzu Chi built over 1,300 permanent houses for Morakot survivors from the mountains. How have they been adapting to their new lives in the lowland?

Our Impact

Our Impact

In 2011, Li De-fu from Singapore chanced upon Da Ai TV channel during his trip to Taiwan. Since then, his life has never been the same again...
In 1999, Chen Su-fen played a role in Da Ai Drama. Since then, her life has never been the same again...
A SARS survivor who had lost her husband to the disease, Leung Shuk-ming had reached a low point in life until she came across Da Ai TV one day…
Drinking, smoking, and chewing betel nuts. These were Zheng Long-shan's daily routines until he had oral cancer and saw a Da Ai drama on TV…
Unable to find a job, Chen Yunyan became obsessed with buying lottery tickets, until a Da Ai drama struck a chord with her…
On the brink of collapse from taking care of ill family members, Wong Chiu Siang has found relief in life by watching Da Ai TV…
Handaya Widjaja was an ill-tempered gambler, until a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia gave him a wake-up call…
After being diagnosed with multiple cancers, Tey Lai Ti sank into depression until Da Ai TV and Jing Si Aphorisms turned her life around…
Influenced by Da Ai TV, Lim Boon Kaw, originally a fish vendor in Malaysia, decided to give up his business for good…
Inspired by a Da Ai drama, Zhou Yang Jiao decided to volunteer for recycling work, aspiring to give back in the same way as the protagonist…
Touched by a drama series he saw on Da Ai TV while on a business trip to Taiwan, Wu Rong-yao from Singapore found his true calling in life…
Once full of complaints about her life, Lan Xiu-ci found a turning point after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV…
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV, Toh Joo Beng was determined to quit his decades-old habit of gambling once and for all…
A car accident, betrayal, and divorce plunged Fu Xiu-hua (center) into the abyss, yet a Da Ai Drama on TV ignited a glimmer of hope in her...
Once shrouded in the grip of depression and the haze of heavy smoking, Mr. Lin found a lifeline in Da Ai TV...
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV together, Siow Lee Kien and her mother-in-law began to mend their relationship…
When Lu Bi-e started tuning in to Da Ai Radio regularly, the atmosphere at home also began to change gradually…
Lee Chin Cheng was crazy about fishing, but the teachings from Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai TV were like a wake-up call to him…
Once a hopeless gambling addict, Chen Cong-lie was inspired to change his ways after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Once a manager of a hostess club, Hong Xiu-huang often fought with her husband after bad days at work, until she came across a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Deeply moved by a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia, Johny decided to quit gambling for good…
In her eighties, Wang Jinhua has found her calling in life while watching Da Ai TV…
Lee Yit Meng loved to watch Da Ai TV during his dialysis treatments. Over time, his volatile temper began to change slowly but surely…
Lai Jin-cong struggled with alcoholism for thirty long years, but a drama on Da Ai TV planted the seeds of hope and change in his heart…
Lin Yue-qing, a skilled and successful floral designer, used to fill the void in her heart with material possessions until one day, she watched a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Li Jia-lin had drug addiction for two decades. One evening, while watching a Da Ai Drama on TV, he broke down and decided to reform himself…
Just as the story on Da Ai TV changed Lin Yu-zheng's life, he hoped his story can reach out to others in need too…
Shi Shu-zhen had attempted suicide several times because of her long-term illness. One day, she heard Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia…
While serving time in prison, Zhang Wen-ru happened to listen to a Da Ai Radio program that brought a ray of hope to his life…
Having become a successful entrepreneur, Zhao Zheng-xiong suddenly felt aimless in life, until he chanced upon a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Zhao Ziliang suffered from depression and even had suicidal thoughts, until one day, a soft, pleasant voice from Da Ai e-Radio reached his ears…
Once troubled by her unfaithful husband, Lin Xiu-qin found peace after listening to the teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai Radio...
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In 2011, Li De-fu from Singapore chanced upon Da Ai TV channel during his trip to Taiwan. Since then, his life has never been the same again...
In 1999, Chen Su-fen played a role in Da Ai Drama. Since then, her life has never been the same again...
A SARS survivor who had lost her husband to the disease, Leung Shuk-ming had reached a low point in life until she came across Da Ai TV one day…
Drinking, smoking, and chewing betel nuts. These were Zheng Long-shan's daily routines until he had oral cancer and saw a Da Ai drama on TV…
Unable to find a job, Chen Yunyan became obsessed with buying lottery tickets, until a Da Ai drama struck a chord with her…
On the brink of collapse from taking care of ill family members, Wong Chiu Siang has found relief in life by watching Da Ai TV…
Handaya Widjaja was an ill-tempered gambler, until a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia gave him a wake-up call…
After being diagnosed with multiple cancers, Tey Lai Ti sank into depression until Da Ai TV and Jing Si Aphorisms turned her life around…
Influenced by Da Ai TV, Lim Boon Kaw, originally a fish vendor in Malaysia, decided to give up his business for good…
Inspired by a Da Ai drama, Zhou Yang Jiao decided to volunteer for recycling work, aspiring to give back in the same way as the protagonist…
Touched by a drama series he saw on Da Ai TV while on a business trip to Taiwan, Wu Rong-yao from Singapore found his true calling in life…
Once full of complaints about her life, Lan Xiu-ci found a turning point after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV…
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV, Toh Joo Beng was determined to quit his decades-old habit of gambling once and for all…
A car accident, betrayal, and divorce plunged Fu Xiu-hua (center) into the abyss, yet a Da Ai Drama on TV ignited a glimmer of hope in her...
Once shrouded in the grip of depression and the haze of heavy smoking, Mr. Lin found a lifeline in Da Ai TV...
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV together, Siow Lee Kien and her mother-in-law began to mend their relationship…
When Lu Bi-e started tuning in to Da Ai Radio regularly, the atmosphere at home also began to change gradually…
Lee Chin Cheng was crazy about fishing, but the teachings from Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai TV were like a wake-up call to him…
Once a hopeless gambling addict, Chen Cong-lie was inspired to change his ways after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Once a manager of a hostess club, Hong Xiu-huang often fought with her husband after bad days at work, until she came across a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Deeply moved by a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia, Johny decided to quit gambling for good…
In her eighties, Wang Jinhua has found her calling in life while watching Da Ai TV…
Lee Yit Meng loved to watch Da Ai TV during his dialysis treatments. Over time, his volatile temper began to change slowly but surely…
Lai Jin-cong struggled with alcoholism for thirty long years, but a drama on Da Ai TV planted the seeds of hope and change in his heart…
Lin Yue-qing, a skilled and successful floral designer, used to fill the void in her heart with material possessions until one day, she watched a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Li Jia-lin had drug addiction for two decades. One evening, while watching a Da Ai Drama on TV, he broke down and decided to reform himself…
Just as the story on Da Ai TV changed Lin Yu-zheng's life, he hoped his story can reach out to others in need too…
Shi Shu-zhen had attempted suicide several times because of her long-term illness. One day, she heard Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia…
While serving time in prison, Zhang Wen-ru happened to listen to a Da Ai Radio program that brought a ray of hope to his life…
Having become a successful entrepreneur, Zhao Zheng-xiong suddenly felt aimless in life, until he chanced upon a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Zhao Ziliang suffered from depression and even had suicidal thoughts, until one day, a soft, pleasant voice from Da Ai e-Radio reached his ears…
Once troubled by her unfaithful husband, Lin Xiu-qin found peace after listening to the teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai Radio...
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Many people have been inspired by our media and changed their lives for the better.

Read their stories to learn more about their journey of transformation.

Many people have been inspired by our media and changed their lives for the better.

Read their stories to learn more about their journey of transformation.

In 2011, Li De-fu from Singapore chanced upon Da Ai TV channel during his trip to Taiwan. Since then, his life has never been the same again...
In 1999, Chen Su-fen played a role in Da Ai Drama. Since then, her life has never been the same again...
A SARS survivor who had lost her husband to the disease, Leung Shuk-ming had reached a low point in life until she came across Da Ai TV one day…
Drinking, smoking, and chewing betel nuts. These were Zheng Long-shan's daily routines until he had oral cancer and saw a Da Ai drama on TV…
Unable to find a job, Chen Yunyan became obsessed with buying lottery tickets, until a Da Ai drama struck a chord with her…
On the brink of collapse from taking care of ill family members, Wong Chiu Siang has found relief in life by watching Da Ai TV…
Handaya Widjaja was an ill-tempered gambler, until a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia gave him a wake-up call…
After being diagnosed with multiple cancers, Tey Lai Ti sank into depression until Da Ai TV and Jing Si Aphorisms turned her life around…
Influenced by Da Ai TV, Lim Boon Kaw, originally a fish vendor in Malaysia, decided to give up his business for good…
Inspired by a Da Ai drama, Zhou Yang Jiao decided to volunteer for recycling work, aspiring to give back in the same way as the protagonist…
Touched by a drama series he saw on Da Ai TV while on a business trip to Taiwan, Wu Rong-yao from Singapore found his true calling in life…
Once full of complaints about her life, Lan Xiu-ci found a turning point after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV…
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV, Toh Joo Beng was determined to quit his decades-old habit of gambling once and for all…
A car accident, betrayal, and divorce plunged Fu Xiu-hua (center) into the abyss, yet a Da Ai Drama on TV ignited a glimmer of hope in her...
Once shrouded in the grip of depression and the haze of heavy smoking, Mr. Lin found a lifeline in Da Ai TV...
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV together, Siow Lee Kien and her mother-in-law began to mend their relationship…
When Lu Bi-e started tuning in to Da Ai Radio regularly, the atmosphere at home also began to change gradually…
Lee Chin Cheng was crazy about fishing, but the teachings from Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai TV were like a wake-up call to him…
Once a hopeless gambling addict, Chen Cong-lie was inspired to change his ways after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Once a manager of a hostess club, Hong Xiu-huang often fought with her husband after bad days at work, until she came across a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Deeply moved by a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia, Johny decided to quit gambling for good…
In her eighties, Wang Jinhua has found her calling in life while watching Da Ai TV…
Lee Yit Meng loved to watch Da Ai TV during his dialysis treatments. Over time, his volatile temper began to change slowly but surely…
Lai Jin-cong struggled with alcoholism for thirty long years, but a drama on Da Ai TV planted the seeds of hope and change in his heart…
Lin Yue-qing, a skilled and successful floral designer, used to fill the void in her heart with material possessions until one day, she watched a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Li Jia-lin had drug addiction for two decades. One evening, while watching a Da Ai Drama on TV, he broke down and decided to reform himself…
Just as the story on Da Ai TV changed Lin Yu-zheng's life, he hoped his story can reach out to others in need too…
Shi Shu-zhen had attempted suicide several times because of her long-term illness. One day, she heard Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia…
While serving time in prison, Zhang Wen-ru happened to listen to a Da Ai Radio program that brought a ray of hope to his life…
Having become a successful entrepreneur, Zhao Zheng-xiong suddenly felt aimless in life, until he chanced upon a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Zhao Ziliang suffered from depression and even had suicidal thoughts, until one day, a soft, pleasant voice from Da Ai e-Radio reached his ears…
Once troubled by her unfaithful husband, Lin Xiu-qin found peace after listening to the teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai Radio...
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In 2011, Li De-fu from Singapore chanced upon Da Ai TV channel during his trip to Taiwan. Since then, his life has never been the same again...
In 1999, Chen Su-fen played a role in Da Ai Drama. Since then, her life has never been the same again...
A SARS survivor who had lost her husband to the disease, Leung Shuk-ming had reached a low point in life until she came across Da Ai TV one day…
Drinking, smoking, and chewing betel nuts. These were Zheng Long-shan's daily routines until he had oral cancer and saw a Da Ai drama on TV…
Unable to find a job, Chen Yunyan became obsessed with buying lottery tickets, until a Da Ai drama struck a chord with her…
On the brink of collapse from taking care of ill family members, Wong Chiu Siang has found relief in life by watching Da Ai TV…
Handaya Widjaja was an ill-tempered gambler, until a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia gave him a wake-up call…
After being diagnosed with multiple cancers, Tey Lai Ti sank into depression until Da Ai TV and Jing Si Aphorisms turned her life around…
Influenced by Da Ai TV, Lim Boon Kaw, originally a fish vendor in Malaysia, decided to give up his business for good…
Inspired by a Da Ai drama, Zhou Yang Jiao decided to volunteer for recycling work, aspiring to give back in the same way as the protagonist…
Touched by a drama series he saw on Da Ai TV while on a business trip to Taiwan, Wu Rong-yao from Singapore found his true calling in life…
Once full of complaints about her life, Lan Xiu-ci found a turning point after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV…
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV, Toh Joo Beng was determined to quit his decades-old habit of gambling once and for all…
A car accident, betrayal, and divorce plunged Fu Xiu-hua (center) into the abyss, yet a Da Ai Drama on TV ignited a glimmer of hope in her...
Once shrouded in the grip of depression and the haze of heavy smoking, Mr. Lin found a lifeline in Da Ai TV...
After watching a drama series on Da Ai TV together, Siow Lee Kien and her mother-in-law began to mend their relationship…
When Lu Bi-e started tuning in to Da Ai Radio regularly, the atmosphere at home also began to change gradually…
Lee Chin Cheng was crazy about fishing, but the teachings from Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai TV were like a wake-up call to him…
Once a hopeless gambling addict, Chen Cong-lie was inspired to change his ways after watching a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Once a manager of a hostess club, Hong Xiu-huang often fought with her husband after bad days at work, until she came across a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Deeply moved by a drama series on DAAI TV Indonesia, Johny decided to quit gambling for good…
In her eighties, Wang Jinhua has found her calling in life while watching Da Ai TV…
Lee Yit Meng loved to watch Da Ai TV during his dialysis treatments. Over time, his volatile temper began to change slowly but surely…
Lai Jin-cong struggled with alcoholism for thirty long years, but a drama on Da Ai TV planted the seeds of hope and change in his heart…
Lin Yue-qing, a skilled and successful floral designer, used to fill the void in her heart with material possessions until one day, she watched a Da Ai Drama on TV...
Li Jia-lin had drug addiction for two decades. One evening, while watching a Da Ai Drama on TV, he broke down and decided to reform himself…
Just as the story on Da Ai TV changed Lin Yu-zheng's life, he hoped his story can reach out to others in need too…
Shi Shu-zhen had attempted suicide several times because of her long-term illness. One day, she heard Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia…
While serving time in prison, Zhang Wen-ru happened to listen to a Da Ai Radio program that brought a ray of hope to his life…
Having become a successful entrepreneur, Zhao Zheng-xiong suddenly felt aimless in life, until he chanced upon a drama series on Da Ai TV...
Zhao Ziliang suffered from depression and even had suicidal thoughts, until one day, a soft, pleasant voice from Da Ai e-Radio reached his ears…
Once troubled by her unfaithful husband, Lin Xiu-qin found peace after listening to the teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Da Ai Radio...
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Tzu Chi Q&A

A Glimpse into the Missions and Spirit of Tzu Chi

Tzu Chi Q&A

A Glimpse into the Missions and Spirit of Tzu Chi

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Quotable Quotes

Quotable Quotes

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