The Benevolent Deer King

The Benevolent Deer King

Man claims himself to be the most intelligent of animals. But is man also the most loving creature on earth? Watch the story and see how animals share the same Buddha nature as human beings'.

The Heavenly Being and the Ghost

The Heavenly Being and the Ghost

A heavenly being saw a ghost lash a pile of bones and curse furiously at them. So she went over and asked the ghost what he was doing…

Kindness Begets Kindness

Kindness Begets Kindness

In ancient China, there was a wealthy family where the wife had tuberculosis. Her husband sought the help of a famous doctor who suggested that the wife eat the brains of 100 sparrows…

The Purple Golden Alms Bowl

The Purple Golden Alms Bowl

In Ming Dynasty, there was an elderly monk who was very well cultivated. When the king of hell noticed that the monk's life should have come to an end, he sent two hell wardens to bring the monk back to hell…

The Boy Who Found the Wellspring

The Boy Who Found the Wellspring

A little faith goes a long way. This is a story of a little boy whose faith saved the people in his village from dying of drought.

The Loving Spiritual Cultivator

The Loving Spiritual Cultivator

A spiritual cultivator went to the mountains and sat down to meditate. As he sat there, a mother bird came and laid eggs on the long hair he piled up on top of his head…

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