DAAI TV Indonesia Gives me a Second Life

By Ye Zi-hao (葉子豪)
Photos by Lin Yen-huang (林炎煌)
Abridged and translated by Huang Yung-ping (黃永平)
Evelyn Sung (宋怡緻)

DAAI TV Indonesia Gives me a Second Life

By Ye Zi-hao (葉子豪)
Photos by Lin Yen-huang (林炎煌)
Abridged and translated by
Huang Yung-ping (黃永平)
Evelyn Sung (宋怡緻)

Having listened to Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia, Shi Shu-zhen (left) now knows to cherish her life despite her illness.

Before illness struck her down, Shi Shu-zhen (施淑珍) and her husband, Yuan Shi-xiong (袁世雄) led a happy and well-to-do life in Indonesia. Working in the international recruitment sector, Yuan made quite a fortune whereas Shi, a talented and attractive musician, served as a flutist in an orchestra. The couple had lived in a high-end residential community in Jakarta since they got married in 1995.

In 2002, however, Shi experienced breathing difficulty and had no choice but to quit her career as a professional flutist. Two years later, Shi's mother had a stroke. So, Yuan resigned from his business in order to fully attend to his wife and mother-in-law. "To help my wife and mother-in-law regain health, I sold my car, the piano, and every valuable thing we have. Now, we manage to get by with our friends' help. Even our television is a gift from others," Yuan said.

Although Yuan spent all his money and energy taking care of his wife and mother-in-law, his mother-in-law passed away in 2005. Devastated by her mother's death, Shi's health condition deteriorated rapidly. She got spinal, heart and lung problems in quick succession. By 2010, she could hardly walk around.

"These are diuretics. These are against nausea and vomiting, and these are antiseizure drugs," Yuan explained as he took out his wife's medicines, one bottle after another. Despite her husband's loving care, Shi, tortured by the illness, had attempted suicide several times. Her condition indeed kept Yuan on his toes all the time. "I had to make sure that she cannot get her hands on insecticides and sharp objects!" Yuan exclaimed.

Shi seldom went out, so she watched TV to learn more about what had happened around the world. One day, she chanced upon Dharma Master Cheng Yen's (證嚴上人) teachings on DAAI TV Indonesia, from which she learned that some people's health condition was far worse than hers, but they never gave up on themselves. It was then that she realized that committing suicide was not the right thing to do.

Shi Shu-zhen plays the flute for the first time in decades. Although she has to pause and catch her breath from time to time, her husband (right) is happy about her progress.

After that, Shi became an avid viewer of DAAI TV Indonesia and took notes when listening to Dharma Master Cheng Yen's teachings. Her health condition might not improve, but she's gained much inner strength and learned to cherish her life.

After the couple contacted DAAI TV Indonesia and expressed their wish to learn more about Tzu Chi, staff members of DAAI TV Indonesia and Tzu Chi volunteers paid them several home visits. "I haven't seen her smile for a long time," Yuan said with joy. "Before she knew about DAAI TV Indonesia, it was almost impossible to talk some sense into her," Yuan further revealed.

During a visit, Shi even took out her flute and played it for a while. "If I can get well someday, I want to learn to play the harp," Shi wished. She also asked the visiting volunteers to send her regard and appreciation to Dharma Master Cheng Yen for giving her inner strength and inspiring her to cherish her life.

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