Behind Bars, Beyond Struggles

Compiled by Eddie Huang (黃永平)
                        Connie Chen (陳慷妮)

Behind Bars, Beyond Struggles

Compiled by Eddie Huang (黃永平)
                        Connie Chen (陳慷妮)

Chen Jun-hong and his mother regularly visit underprivileged families in their community to provide care and food. (Da Ai News)

Chen Jun-hong (陳俊宏), also known by his criminal alias "Hei Hou" (Black Monkey), had been in and out of prison for two decades due to his use of illegal drugs since the age of 15. Despite all his wrongdoings, Chen's mother, a Tzu Chi volunteer, never gave up on him. Each month, she would send Chen a copy of Tzu Chi Monthly when he was incarcerated. "I didn't know much about Tzu Chi at first, but my mother always made sure I received a copy of Tzu Chi Monthly. In prison, we had plenty of spare time to read, and gradually, I became more familiar with Tzu Chi," Chen commented with a smile.

Chen has also been patching up his relationship with his children since he joined Tzu Chi. He vowed never to hit or curse people, do or sell drugs, and always keep his promises. (Da Ai News)

"One time, my mother paid me a visit in prison. I could see how time had taken a toll on her as she appeared stooped, but she still came to see me. I thought to myself, 'What am I doing with my life? How much more time do I have left to spend behind bars?'" Chen said emotionally.

After serving his sentence, Chen reflected on his past mistakes and was determined to turn over a new leaf. He enrolled in a training program and became a certified caregiver to provide better care for his aging father. He also became a trainee volunteer for Tzu Chi, offering care to other seniors in his community. A fellow volunteer recalled, "When one of his patients passed away, he called me and couldn't stop sobbing over the phone. He genuinely cares about his patients and treats them like family." Chen quickly gained popularity among the volunteers, and his caregiving service was highly sought after.

Chen Jun-hong participated in a year-end blessing ceremony in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in October 2022. (Da Ai News)

Although Chen is a changed man now, he still prefers to be called by his alias, Hei Hou, as a reminder to make the most of this second chance he has been given and never let his mother down. He swore that under no circumstances would he ever return to his old life.

In October 2022, Chen Jun-hong became a certified Tzu Chi volunteer, pledging to continue helping others in need. Reflecting on his journey, Chen expressed, "Since I joined Tzu Chi, my life has taken a turn for the better. The fear I once felt at the sound of police sirens has dissipated, and I can now sleep through the night, which is incredibly liberating."

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