Finding the Spark Within

By Yang Shu-mei (楊淑玫)
Abridged and translated by Leslie Han (韓世曦)
                                                 Syharn Shen (沈思含)

Finding the Spark Within

By Yang Shu-mei (楊淑玫)
Abridged and translated by
Leslie Han (韓世曦)
Syharn Shen (沈思含)

Zhang Yu-ci is always there for her son, fostering a close and loving bond between them. (Photo by Wang Hui-zhen)

In 2008, Zhang Yu-ci (張育慈) chose to stay at home for a healthy pregnancy, and by chance, she started watching a drama series on Da Ai TV. The touching stories planted a seed of love in her heart, inspiring her to extend a hand to those in need. She then contacted Tzu Chi's Jing Si Hall in Tainan and became a donating member, not yet aware of how deeply this connection would change her life.

In September 2011, her world was turned upside down when she was rushed to the emergency room due to severe abdominal bloating and irregular bowel movements. The diagnosis was stage II colon cancer. The news devastated her and her husband, who clung to each other in tears and fear for their two-year-old son, worried he might grow up without a mother. Yet, after the initial shock subsided, Zhang found a deep well of resilience within herself. She knew that to survive, she had to be strong—for herself and her family.

Having personally experienced the hardships of illness, Zhang dedicates her mornings to guiding and caring for school children. (Photo by Yang Shu-mei)

But life's challenges were far from over. Just three months later, the cancer metastasized to her liver, requiring three surgeries within half a year. Through the ordeal, Zhang maintained an optimistic outlook, bolstered by her husband's loving support. Yet, these experiences also opened her eyes to the impermanence of life. She began to ponder what legacy she would leave behind for her son if she did not survive. It was during this period of reflection that she found solace and direction in the teachings of Venerable Master Cheng Yen (證嚴上人). "We may not control the length of our lives, but we can shape its breadth and depth," the Master taught. Inspired by these words, Zhang decided to become a Tzu Chi volunteer, dedicating herself to giving and supporting others.

As a volunteer, Zhang immersed herself in activities that connected her with others, especially children. She joined storytelling sessions at schools, where she learned to narrate stories, perform in dramas, and engage with young minds. This experience not only nurtured her wisdom but also helped her discover what she wanted to pass on to her son. "Moral education is most important!" she asserted. "No matter what his future holds, as long as he carries goodness in his heart and treats others well, a cycle of goodness will surely follow."

Zhang Yu-ci (center) chats with elderly residents at a senior care center in Tainan, southern Taiwan, as part of Tzu Chi's outreach. (Photo by Liu Jie-lin)

In her journey with Tzu Chi, Zhang achieved significant personal growth. Throughout her volunteer training, she continuously learned, reflected, and adjusted her pace. However, just as she was finding her stride, tragedy struck again in 2015 when her parents passed away within three months of each other. The loss was profound as she grieved deeply, yet it reinforced her understanding of the impermanence of life.

Determined to make every moment count, Zhang not only continued her volunteer work but also pursued a career as a social worker, focusing on caring for the elderly. She became a key figure in Tzu Chi's work to ensure the safety and well-being of senior citizens in southern Taiwan, visiting their homes and providing them with the care and companionship they needed. Over time, Zhang also noticed a shift in her own values—her once-strong desire for material possessions and luxury gave way to a simpler and more serene approach to life.

With her family's support, Zhang Yu-ci has been dedicating herself to volunteer work, embracing a life of purpose. (Photo by Liu Jie-lin)

Today, as a certified Tzu Chi volunteer, Zhang has decided to dedicate her life to service. Inspired by Tzu Chi's teachings and motivated by her life experiences, she continues to spread goodness, hoping to inspire others to do the same and creating a world where kindness prevails.

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