Mushroom Gratin


  • 20g dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 50g white mushrooms
  • 80g abalone mushrooms
  • 100g milk
  • 50g shredded cheese
  • 5g rosemary
  • 15g basil
  • 10g pumpkin seed oil
  • 5g salt


  1. Chop abalone mushrooms, white mushrooms and rehydrated shiitake mushrooms; thinly slice rosemary and basil.
  2. Heat a pan and sauté all the mushrooms with pumpkin seed oil until fragrant. Add rosemary and milk and bring to a boil. Add basil and salt, cook until thickens.
  3. Put everything in a baking dish, cover with shredded cheese and bake until lightly brown.

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