The Temple Painter

As a painter for temples, Liu Chia-cheng hopes to turn every temple he paints into an art museum. For nearly 50 years, he moves from temple to temple around Taiwan and deems himself as a monastic practitioner.

The Rice Breeder

Working as a rice breeder for 30 years, Dr. Xu Zhi-sheng has never ceased to challenge himself to reach new heights.

The Mountain Bus Drivers

As the bus drivers on a highway meandering through high mountains in central Taiwan, Wang Mao-song and Yu Jia-de have become friends with their regular passengers after 15 years of service.

Guardian of the Russet Sparrows

Working under the scorching sun, Cai Ming-gang is determined to preserve russet sparrows that are decreasing in numbers due to overdevelopment and overuse of pesticide in the mountains.

The Song of the Tribe

Gifted with the beautiful voice of indigenous people, Chen Shi-long hopes to do more than just teach the tribal children to sing aboriginal folk songs.

The Rail Yard Engineers

Working 365 days a year, what do rail yard engineers do to ensure the safety of travelers and those who commute to work or school by train every day?

The Test Drivers

Do you know that before a car or motorbike is granted a license plate, these vehicles have to be test-driven hundreds of times to make sure they are safe to hit the road?


The Great Doctor in a Small Town

As the head of a health station in a small town, Dr. Shi Jian-nan dutifully safeguards the health of the 5,000 locals and shares in their joy and sorrow like family.


The Temple Painter

As a painter for temples, Liu Chia-cheng hopes to turn every temple he paints into an art museum. For nearly 50 years, he moves from temple to temple around Taiwan and deems himself as a monastic practitioner.