Life Wisdom

Twelve minutes a day, 365 days a year, Life Wisdom encapsulates the essential messages from Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s talks to Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide. In this daily program, the Master shares with the audience her views on major world events, Tzu Chi’s work around the globe, inspiring stories of people and events, as well as the Buddha’s teachings and how they can be practiced in everyday life.

Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

A production of ink-wash animation,Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen features the Master telling folktales or stories from Buddhist scriptures and concluding each episode with her words that offer the audience much food for thought. With captivating storylines and lifelike animated images, the program is welcomed by viewers both young and old alike.

Wisdom at Dawn

Hailed as the king of all sutras, the Lotus Sutra contains the true Dharma expounded by the Buddha in his later years. In the Sutra, the Buddha affirms that all living beings can attain Buddhahood and encourages everyone to walk the Bodhisattva Path by benefiting others. Listen to Master Cheng Yen expounding the Lotus Sutra in Wisdom at Dawn and bathe in the Dharma bliss of one of the most important and influential teachings of the Buddha.

Essence of the Bodhi Mind

Essence of the Bodhi Mind is a weekly program that explores various topics from world events, social and environmental problems, to interpersonal relations, family issues, and more. Twenty-four minutes an episode, the program not only presents actual examples to illustrate the topic of the week, but also pinpoints the views of Dharma Master Cheng Yen, experts and scholars on the topic for viewers to reflect upon and derive insights from.

Life Wisdom

Working for the Common Good with Firm Conviction

In July 2018, Tzu Chi sent a medical team to Jordan to hold free clinics for Syrian refugees and the local people in need…

Inspiring More People to Walk the Bodhisattva Path

September 10 is an important day in Tzu Chi’s history…

Cultivating Blessings Together and Alleviating Sufferings with Love

In late June 2018, Tzu Chi volunteers in Kunshan, China started to hold…

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Quinoa Mashed Potato Salad and Vegetable Stew with Turmeric Rice

Quinoa Mashed Potato Salad and Vegetable Stew with Turmeric Rice

Quinoa Mashed Potato Salad and Vegetable Stew with Turmeric RiceIngredients: 5g quinoa 10g potatoes 5g lettuces 30g zucchinis 30g red bell peppers 30g yellow bell peppers 30g cucumbers 30g carrots 10g eggplants half a tomato 15g tomato paste 300g rice 5g turmeric...

Banana and Black Sesame PasteBanana and Black Sesame Paste

Banana and Black Sesame PasteBanana and Black Sesame Paste

Banana and Black Sesame PasteIngredients: 2 bananas 300g milk 15g sesame seeds 30g honey Directions: Toast sesame seeds until fragrant, and then blend together with milk. Peel and cut bananas, add to the mixture and blend further. Heat the paste in a pot to 40 degrees...

Minty Fruit SaladMinty Fruit Salad

Minty Fruit SaladMinty Fruit Salad

Minty Fruit SaladIngredients: 2 kiwifruits 2 bananas 10g mint leaves 50g yoghurt sugar Directions: Add mint leaves, sugar and 120cc of water in a pan and bring to boil. Pour out the sugar water and set aside to cool. Add sugar to the remaining leaves and simmer till...

Stories Told  by
Dharma Master Cheng Yen

The Fisherman's Trip to the Sea Palace

The Fisherman's Trip to the Sea Palace

To thank a fisherman, Taro, for saving its life, a turtle took him to the Dragon King's palace undersea. Taro spent three days in the palace, but when he returned home, it turned out that decades had passed…

The Black Rat and the White Rat

The Black Rat and the White Rat

To flee from wolves, a hunter grabbed a vine hanging down from a tree into a well. As he was descending into the well, he saw snakes at the bottom of the well and two rats gnawing at the vine he was clinging to…

Sweet Vinegar and Plain Water

Sweet Vinegar and Plain Water

After working hard and receiving her wages, a granny went to buy the sweet vinegar she had been craving for. On her way home, she exchanged the sweet vinegar for a bottle of dirty water from a pond. Why?

Words of Wisdom for Life

Do You Get Angry Easily?

We often hear people say, "He is a good person. It's just that he has a quick temper." When we lose our temper, we look ugly and leave a bad impression on others. So, getting angry is actually punishing ourselves with the mistakes of others. It's like temporary insanity. Who will suffer because of that?

The Chipped Cup

If a cup is chipped and we ignore the chipped part, it is still a perfect cup. It's the same with people. When we don't focus on faults, we'll see only the good in others.

Do You Like to Speak Ill of Others?

When we try to throw a handful of sand at others against the wind, who will get the sand? We do, because the wind will blow the sand back to us. Speaking ill of others is just the same. When we slander people, we tarnish our character and end up harming ourselves only.

Don’t Fuss or Compare

In life, we should not fuss over petty things or compare with others. If we fuss, we might end up losing everything. And if we like to compare with others, we'd often feel dissatisfied and resentful. So, fussing and comparing are two things that we should never do.

The Chipped Cup

If a cup is chipped and we ignore the chipped part, it is still a perfect cup. It's the same with people. When we don't focus on faults, we'll see only the good in others.

Do You Like to Speak Ill of Others?

When we try to throw a handful of sand at others against the wind, who will get the sand? We do, because the wind will blow the sand back to us. Speaking ill of others is just the same. When we slander people, we tarnish our character and end up harming ourselves only.

Don't Fuss or Compare

In life, we should not fuss over petty things or compare with others. If we fuss, we might end up losing everything. And if we like to compare with others, we'd often feel dissatisfied and resentful. So, fussing and comparing are two things that we should never do.

Do You Get Angry Easily?

We often hear people say, "He is a good person. It's just that he has a quick temper." When we lose our temper, we look ugly and leave a bad impression on others. So, getting angry is actually punishing ourselves with the mistakes of others. It's like temporary insanity. Who will suffer because of that?
Words of Wisdom for Life

The Chipped Cup

Once, Master Cheng Yen shared a story:

There was one time when a volunteer was serving me tea. When I was going to take the cup, she held on to it. So I asked, "Is anything wrong?" And she replied, "I'm sorry. I just saw that the cup is chipped." I examined the cup and said: "It looks like a fine cup to me."

Indeed, if we don't focus on the chipped part, it's still a perfect cup. It's the same with people. When we don't focus on faults, we'll see only the good in others.

Look from a different angle and you'll find beauty in imperfection.

Do You Like to Speak Ill of Others?

When we try to throw a handful of sand at others against the wind, who will get the sand? When we do that, the wind will blow the sand back to us, not to the others in front of us. So, when we slander or speak ill of others, we tarnish our character and end up harming ourselves only.

Speaking ill of others is like throwing sand against the wind—it will come back at us.

"I was cheated out of 500 million NT dollars," said a businessman. "You are so wealthy. Congratulations!" replied Dharma Master Cheng Yen. "It's hard to make 500 million dollars!" "Maybe you owed someone that much money in one of your previous lives, and you're only paying him back now." "No, I did not!" "Then congratulations again! When you come back the next life, there'll be 500 million dollars waiting for you."
"Why does everyone look down on me?" "It's because you consider yourself a 'heavyweight.' Just like sitting on a seesaw, the heavier one will go down, and the one high up will have to 'look down' at his playmate."
Some people are very sensitive to the things others do or say. "Do not be a vacuum cleaner and suck up dust and dirt into your hearts. That will only make you suffer," advised Dharma Master Cheng Yen.
Ego is like a balloon. The bigger it gets, the easier you'll get carried away by it.
"Why does everyone look down on me?" "It's because you consider yourself a 'heavyweight.' Just like sitting on a seesaw, the heavier one will go down, and the one high up will have to 'look down' at his playmate."
"I was cheated out of 500 million NT dollars," said a businessman. "You are so wealthy. Congratulations!" replied Dharma Master Cheng Yen. "It's hard to make 500 million dollars!" "Maybe you owed someone that much money in one of your previous lives, and you're only paying him back now." "No, I did not!" "Then congratulations again! When you come back the next life, there'll be 500 million dollars waiting for you."
Ego is like a balloon. The bigger it gets, the easier you'll get carried away by it.
Some people are very sensitive to the things others do or say. "Do not be a vacuum cleaner and suck up dust and dirt into your hearts. That will only make you suffer," advised Dharma Master Cheng Yen.
"I was cheated out of 500 million NT dollars," said a businessman. "You are so wealthy. Congratulations!" replied Dharma Master Cheng Yen. "It's hard to make 500 million dollars!" "Maybe you owed someone that much money in one of your previous lives, and you're only paying him back now." "No, I did not!" "Then congratulations again! When you come back the next life, there'll be 500 million dollars waiting for you."
"I was cheated out of 500 million NT dollars," said a businessman. "You are so wealthy. Congratulations!" replied Dharma Master Cheng Yen. "It's hard to make 500 million dollars!" "Maybe you owed someone that much money in one of your previous lives, and you're only paying him back now." "No, I did not!" "Then congratulations again! When you come back the next life, there'll be 500 million dollars waiting for you."