
With climate change, the distinction between seasons has become less and less obvious and water resources more and more limited.


The long-term drought in Kenya has turned 56 percent of its land into desert and forced many people to move to other countries.



Every 90 seconds, a child's life slips away due to water-related issues. In Kenya, children spend an average of eight hours a day fetching water.


In a village in Kenya, 90 percent of the residents have been affected by sand flea disease, a condition that becomes out of control due to lack of water.


Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya is one of the largest slums in the world. As most of the 1.2 million residents there are undocumented, they have no access to water.



Taiwan has 95 reservoirs around the island, but 22 of them are facing the problem of heavy sedimentation, which severely affects their capacity to store water.