Life Wisdom

Twelve minutes a day, 365 days a year, Life Wisdom encapsulates the essential messages from Dharma Master Cheng Yen's talks to Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide. In this daily program, the Master shares with the audience her views on major world events, Tzu Chi's work around the globe, inspiring stories of people and events, as well as the Buddha's teachings and how they can be practiced in everyday life.

Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

A production of ink-wash animation, Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen features the Master telling folktales or stories from Buddhist scriptures and concluding each episode with her words that offer the audience much food for thought. With captivating storylines and lifelike animated images, the program is welcomed by viewers both young and old alike.

Wisdom at Dawn

Hailed as the king of all sutras, the Lotus Sutra contains the true Dharma expounded by the Buddha in his later years. In the Sutra, the Buddha affirms that all living beings can attain Buddhahood and encourages everyone to walk the Bodhisattva Path by benefiting others. Listen to Master Cheng Yen expounding the Lotus Sutra in Wisdom at Dawn and bathe in the Dharma bliss of one of the most important and influential teachings of the Buddha.

Essence of the Bodhi Mind

Essence of the Bodhi Mind is a weekly program that explores various topics from world events, social and environmental problems, to interpersonal relations, family issues, and more. Twenty-four minutes an episode, the program not only presents actual examples to illustrate the topic of the week, but also pinpoints the views of Dharma Master Cheng Yen, experts and scholars on the topic for viewers to reflect upon and derive insights from.

Life Wisdom

November 26, 2023

The Best Offering

November 25, 2023

Manifesting the Beauty of the Dharma

November 24, 2023

United in Love for Peace and Safety

November 23, 2023

Practicing the Dharma—A Forever Practice

November 22, 2023

Setting Examples of Practicing the Bodhisattva Way

November 21, 2023

Embodying the Dharma—From Stage to Action

November 20, 2023

To Always Be in the Dharma Assembly

November 19, 2023

Inspiring People by Bringing the Dharma on Stage

Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

Punishment for Drinking Water The ccccccccccccc

Feeling thirsty, a spiritual cultivator drank water from a pond. Only afterward did he realize the pond might belong to someone, and he might have violated the precept of not stealing. Worried, he sought punishment from the king…

Kasyapa and the Poor Old Lady The cccccccccccccc

Sick and hungry, a poor old woman collapsed behind a house. When Kasyapa approached her, she was ashamed that she had nothing to offer him. Yet, what did Kasyapa do that she gave rise to joy and passed away in peace?

The Fishmonger and the Eagle The ccccccccccccccc

There was a young man who sold fish for a living. One day, after an eagle snatched his fish, he prayed every day that he could become an eagle and soar in the sky. Seeing that, a group of youngsters decided to play a trick on him…

A Handful of Rice The cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

In the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, which caused severe devastation in Myanmar, Tzu Chi volunteers went there to provide aid. Moved, the locals wished to give back. But, since many were poor, what could they do to reciprocate?

The Woman Who Seeks the Dharma The

At a devout woman's request, the abbot of a temple sent a monk to her home every day to help her learn more about the Dharma. One day, it was an old monk's turn, but he was so worried about what he could share…

The Man Who Experienced an Ox's Life

When a man saw a painting of an ox that urged people not to kill animals for food, he burst into laughter, saying that he couldn't live without beef. However, he soon passed out and didn't regain consciousness until many days later…

The Little Cowherd The Little Cowhe x

Delighted by the sound of sutra chanting, a herd boy ran to the temple to listen to the Dharma. Sadly, he was killed by a tiger after leaving. Soon, a rich man's wife was pregnant and, to everyone's surprise, continually chanted sutra. Why?

The Two Sisters The Two Sisters The xx

There was a goddess who bestowed good luck upon whoever she encountered. But her inseparable sister, cast misfortune wherever she went. Who, then, would willingly welcome this pair of sisters together?

Wisdom at Dawn

E1568.Maitreya's Verse of Praise for the Buddha

E1567.Make Offerings with Reverence and Utmost Sincerity

E1566.Celestial Robes and Strings of Jewels Rained Down
E1554.Indulging in the Five Desires Leads to Evil Realms
E1553.The Parable of the Doctor Father and His Sons
E1552.Infinite Phenomena Arise from One Dharma

E1551.The Tathagata's Wondrous Dharma Is Illuminating

E1550.Not Hearing the Name of the Three Treasures

Essence of the Bodhi Mind

Love and Respect Nurses
Doctors and Patients Share the Same Heart
Spiritual Practice in Good Fortune and Adversity
Practicing the Dharma in the World
International Medical Relief: Love Brings Hearts Together
Wondrous Dharma for the World – The Lotus Sutra
Taking Care of the Seeds of Our Thoughts
Transforming Karma into Blessings

Words of Wisdom for Life

by Dharma Master Cheng Yen

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