My Grandparents

My Grandparents is a documentary series where the younger generation shares the captivating stories, wisdom and experiences of their beloved grandparents. From heartfelt conversations to lively interactions, this program is a beautiful tribute to the unique bond that transcends time.

Thus I Do

Thus I Do invites you to explore diverse and extraordinary life stories, showcasing the power of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of purpose. From journeys of redemption to displays of unwavering strength, each episode delves into the lives of individuals who have defied expectations, overcome personal challenges, or discovered profound transformation along their paths.

Benevolence and Wisdom

True wisdom comes from within. Dharma Master Cheng Yen, founder of Tzu Chi Foundation, often says that wisdom lies in doing what is right and needs to be done. On Benevolence and Wisdom, highly respected and influential members of society are invited to share their perspectives on issues facing humanity today. Through their wisdom, we can gain valuable insights that help us cultivate our own wisdom and make positive contributions to the world.

Dream Stage

What limits the physically and mentally challenged are not their personal conditions, but the lack of opportunities for them to demonstrate what they are able to do. By bringing them into the limelight, Dream Stage gives those with physical and mental disabilities a platform not only to show their talents and share their life stories, but also to inspire others by their examples.

Dreamers in Action

Dreamers in Action features people following their dreams to make a difference in the world through their work. In each episode, the dreamers share their journey of how they have found their calling in life, the hardships and challenges they have encountered and overcome, and the passion that makes them unstoppable on their path to lift people's lives, reduce harm to the environment, and turn the world into a better place.

Unsung Heroes

As we go through our daily routines, such as taking a commuter train, riding in an elevator, or turning on a light or a faucet, does it ever occur to us who is working behind the scenes to make possible all these conveniences we enjoy every day but all too often take for granted?

Unsung Heroes introduces to the audience people from all walks of life whose work may seem insignificant yet are crucial to our everyday life.

Guardians of the Land

Day and night, rain or shine, Tzu Chi's recycling volunteers can be seen collecting recyclables from garbage along the streets or sorting recyclables at Tzu Chi's recycling stations. What they do not only helps to protect the environment, but the proceeds from selling recyclables are also used to support the operation of Da Ai TV.

Watch Guardians of the Land and learn what it is that motivates this group of volunteers to do recycling work with unwavering dedication and even regard it as their mission in life.

My Grandparents

My Grandparents is a documentary series where the younger generation shares the captivating stories, wisdom and experiences of their beloved grandparents. From heartfelt conversations to lively interactions, this program is a beautiful tribute to the unique bond that transcends time.

Thus I Do

Thus I Do invites you to explore diverse and extraordinary life stories, showcasing the power of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of purpose. From journeys of redemption to displays of unwavering strength, each episode delves into the lives of individuals who have defied expectations, overcome personal challenges, or discovered profound transformation along their paths.

Benevolence and Wisdom

True wisdom comes from within. Dharma Master Cheng Yen, founder of Tzu Chi Foundation, often says that wisdom lies in doing what is right and needs to be done. On Benevolence and Wisdom, highly respected and influential members of society are invited to share their perspectives on issues facing humanity today. Through their wisdom, we can gain valuable insights that help us cultivate our own wisdom and make positive contributions to the world.

Dream Stage

What limits the physically and mentally challenged are not their personal conditions, but the lack of opportunities for them to demonstrate what they are able to do. By bringing them into the limelight, Dream Stage gives those with physical and mental disabilities a platform not only to show their talents and share their life stories, but also to inspire others by their examples.

Dreamers in Action

Dreamers in Action features people following their dreams to make a difference in the world through their work. In each episode, the dreamers share their journey of how they have found their calling in life, the hardships and challenges they have encountered and overcome, and the passion that makes them unstoppable on their path to lift people's lives, reduce harm to the environment, and turn the world into a better place.

Guardians of the Land

Day and night, rain or shine, Tzu Chi's recycling volunteers can be seen collecting recyclables from garbage along the streets or sorting recyclables at Tzu Chi's recycling stations. What they do not only helps to protect the environment, but the proceeds from selling recyclables are also used to support the operation of Da Ai TV.

Watch Guardians of the Land and learn what it is that motivates this group of volunteers to do recycling work with unwavering dedication and even regard it as their mission in life.

Unsung Heroes

As we go through our daily routines, such as taking a commuter train, riding in an elevator, or turning on a light or a faucet, does it ever occur to us who is working behind the scenes to make possible all these conveniences we enjoy every day but all too often take for granted?

Unsung Heroes introduces to the audience people from all walks of life whose work may seem insignificant yet are crucial to our everyday life.

My Grandparents

Thus I Do

Benevolence and Wisdom

Dream Stage

Needling a New Life
Li Yu-zong used to mope at home for years after spine surgery left him confined to a wheelchair for life, until his wife encouraged him to apply his tailoring knowledge in learning pattern-making software…
Music of Our Lives
For Chen Zhi-huang, losing his hand in a work accident was a test from God, but the arrival of his son with Down syndrome was a blessing. Together, they created a musical duo, performing for charity and on the streets.
Feel My Heart Beat Again
Chen Ting-yu gave up his love for music and sports after being diagnosed with a heart condition at 17, leading to a year of depression. How did he learn to live with his pacemaker and rediscover his passion in life?
Brushstrokes of Life
Despite the communication challenges posed by autism, Luo Yi-chu articulates her inner world through her art and enjoys working along with other young artists with special needs at an art studio.
Lifting Myself and Others with One Hand
After losing his right hand in an accident, Kulo had little luck in the workforce. Turning to art amidst adversity, he not only opened a new chapter for himself, but also created a sanctuary for young artists.
A Journey of Joy Through Yoga
Polio survivor Lian Qin-fa led a mundane life until a car accident awakened him to life's impermanence. After that, he left his sales job, embraced simplicity and found joy and peace in yoga.
Faith in Myself
Despite grappling with a rare genetic disorder, Lin Guan-he is passionate about life under his mom's influence. Even after her passing, her love continues to support him, enabling him to live grounded and pursue his dreams bravely.
I Believe, Therefore I Paint
Despite her frequent hospital visits for severe thalassemia treatment, Li Jia-mei finds solace in drawing and has even established an online gallery to empower individuals with disabilities.

Dreamers in Action

Guardians of the Land

Grandma's Love

Li Shu-ying is not only a good wife and mother, but also a loving grandma to her grandchildren. Unfortunately, years ago, she became depressed and even confined herself at home. What happened?

Peace of Mind

Once feeling resentful towards life after suffering from a serious car accident and cancer, how did Weng Su-ling find peace and regain hope for life?

A Recycling Point of My Own

Since retiring, Grandpa Huang Zai-you had been doing recycling with his wife. Although he feels lonely after her sudden passing years ago, he isn't devastated. What has supported him and helped him regain balance in life?

Grandma's Tricycle

Shi Lin Dong-hua is 87 years old and grappling with osteoarthritis. Although she has to rely on a cane to walk, she rides her tricycle everywhere in the village to undertake a very meaningful task. What is it?

Healing After Loss

Having dedicated most of her life to caring for her family, Lin Qiu-yue was unable to move past the sudden loss of her two sons. How did she gradually let go of her sorrow and rediscover happiness in life?

My Precious Daughter

Even in his 70s, Li Xin-chuan takes his 44-year-old daughter to do recycling, rain or shine. Why are they so diligent?

Tzu Chi and Me

Grandma Huang Yuan-sui is very frugal and leads a simple life. She doesn't think she can make any contribution to Tzu Chi, except doing recycling every day and volunteering with Tzu Chi when needed.

A Mother for All

For the sake of her children, Song Lin Xiu-ying didn't retire until her seventies. But after retirement, to her surprise, she found many more "children" at a recycling station…

Unsung Heroes

A Hundred Years of Service to the Forest Railway
The Home Care Workers
The Home Care Nurse
The Long-term Care Manager
Guardians of Hakka Bayin Music
The Doll Fashion Designer
The Forest Railway Station Masters
The Town Bookstore Owner
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A Hundred Years of Service to the Forest Railway
A Hundred Years of Service to the Forest Railway
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Weng Xing-zhao has not only served as a forest railway driver for decades but has also been passionate about sharing everything related to the railway with the public.
The Home Care Workers
The Home Care Workers
To avoid night shifts and give their son a normal family life, Zhang Zi-lan and her husband switched from nursing home work to home care services. Every day, they visit homes and provide care and support to the elderly and disabled in need.
The Home Care Nurse
The Home Care Nurse
Working with seven home carers to serve more than fifty families, home care nurse Lin Chin-lan strives to enhance the lives of care recipients and alleviate the stress of their caregivers by addressing their actual needs and problems.
The Long-term Care Manager
The Long-term Care Manager
Through home visits and meticulous assessments, Lai Shu-fen at a city government's long-term care center helps connect those in need with appropriate care resources and ensures the quality of the care services provided.
Guardians of Hakka Bayin Music
Guardians of Hakka Bayin Music
Yuan Ming-ying, leader of the Hecheng Hakka Bayin Musical Troupe, continues his grandfather's musical legacy and, together with his son, strives to bring this tradition to the art stage to captivate new audiences.
The Doll Fashion Designer
The Doll Fashion Designer
Decades after Mattel's Barbie doll factory in Taishan, Taiwan closed in 1987, Guo Xue-mei is reviving the art of doll fashion design by infusing it with Taiwan's traditional cultural elements.
The Forest Railway Station Masters
The Forest Railway Station Masters
Zhan Yue-han and Luo Yu-ting, married and both station masters for Taiwan's Alishan Forest Railway, consider passenger safety their utmost priority, ensuring that everyone who comes to enjoy the sunrise can have a safe and pleasant ride.
The Town Bookstore Owner
The Town Bookstore Owner
In a town where many young people are leaving for employment opportunities elsewhere, Lu Wen-jun has decided to start a bookstore alongside a co-dining space, hoping to bring everyone in the community together.
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A Hundred Years of Service to the Forest Railway
Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Weng Xing-zhao has not only served as a forest railway driver for decades but has also been passionate about sharing everything related to the railway with the public.
The Home Care Workers
To avoid night shifts and give their son a normal family life, Zhang Zi-lan and her husband switched from nursing home work to home care services. Every day, they visit homes and provide care and support to the elderly and disabled in need.
The Home Care Nurse
Working with seven home carers to serve more than fifty families, home care nurse Lin Chin-lan strives to enhance the lives of care recipients and alleviate the stress of their caregivers by addressing their actual needs and problems.
The Long-term Care Manager
Through home visits and meticulous assessments, Lai Shu-fen at a city government's long-term care center helps connect those in need with appropriate care resources and ensures the quality of the care services provided.

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