Love Beyond Boundaries

Love Beyond Boundaries tells the stories of Tzu Chi's aid recipients in China and how their lives have been transformed after they crossed paths with Tzu Chi volunteers. The program also features in-depth reports on the aid projects that Tzu Chi carried out in China, such as building houses or schools in impoverished areas or places hit by disasters.

Care in Action

Tzu Chi is one of the largest charity organizations in Taiwan with volunteers all across the island helping people in need. By sharing these beautiful stories with the audience, Care in Action hopes to inspire more charity groups and kindhearted people to join Tzu Chi's effort in caring for more disadvantaged members of society who may not qualify for social benefits and resources.

Tzu Chi in Retrospect

Tzu Chi in Retrospect takes the audience to journey back in time along the path that Tzu Chi has taken for more than 50 years since its establishment in 1966. By inviting senior Tzu Chi members to recount heartwarming stories of people and events in Tzu Chi's history, the program allows the audience to not only relive those precious memories, but also gain a better understanding of Tzu Chi's work and the meaning behind it.

Da Ai Journal

Documenting inspiring stories of people and events around the world, Da Ai Journal brings home the innate beauty and goodness of human nature that many people have lost sight of for the wealth, fame and social status they are busy pursuing in life. Through these stories, the program hopes to remind the audience of the true value and meaning of life and what they can do to benefit others and the world.

Love Beyond Boundaries

Care in Action

A Heart for the Elderly
Thanks to the efforts of Tzu Chi volunteer Shen Xiu-hua, a community care center in a small town in eastern Taiwan is often filled with joy and laughter. Why has Shen Xiu-hua dedicated herself so much to caring for the elderly there?
Walking into Your Heart
Xu Bing-huang, his mother, and his sister had lived together in their untidy house for years. Every time Tzu Chi volunteers offered to clean up for them, they were refused. How did the volunteers eventually convince Xu and his family?
I Got Your Back
Every Friday evening, a group of university students gathers to provide free tutoring for elementary and middle school students at a university in southern Taiwan. What was the reason for starting this tutoring program?
A Wish to Give Back
Out of despair, Dong Long-bin confined himself to bed for 16 years after being paralyzed. With the care of Tzu Chi volunteers, he gradually opened up. Now, he moves around in a wheelchair and seizes opportunities to give back.
Happiness at Last
After marrying and moving to Taiwan from Vietnam, Zhang Yu-mei once endured much hardship in her marriage. Fortunately, through various Tzu Chi activities and classes for new immigrants, she gradually learned to change her mindset…
A Cycle of Love
Since Lu Yan-pao and his wife lost their only son, Tzu Chi volunteers have frequently visited them to tend to their daily needs. In return, the elderly couple, though living on government subsidies, make a donation every month to pay love forward.
Happy Together
Having been in charge of a recycling station in New Taipei City for over two decades, how has Tzu Chi volunteer Shen Lu-juan managed to bring together a group of seniors to volunteer there and to even consider it their second home?
Welcome Home

Guo Wen-tiao's wife, daughter, and son have mental disorders, and they could only live in a chicken coop after their house became unsafe to live in. Fortunately, Tzu Chi volunteers helped renovate their house so they'd have a safe home again.

Tzu Chi in Retrospect

Tzu Chi Writers Team The Keystone of Da Ai TV (Part

In 1989, why was a team of volunteer writers set up in Tzu Chi? What was its role in Tzu Chi's cultural mission?

The Keystone of Da Ai TV (Part 1) The Keystone of Da Ai TV (Part

On December 1, 1995, the TV program, Tzu Chi World, was broadcast. What was its impact and how did it pave the way for the founding of Da Ai TV in 1998?

The Keystone of Da Ai TV (Part 2) The Keystone of Da Ai TV (Part

Broadcast in December 1995, the TV program Tzu Chi World covered Tzu Chi events and work for an hour every day. Unfamiliar with TV production, how did the production team overcome all obstacles to make the program possible?

Tzu Chi Association for Police Officers, Firefighters and Families

Established in 1994, how has Tzu Chi Association for Police Officers, Firefighters and Families brought support to those it serves?

Tzu Chi's First Large-scale Charity Events

In two and a half months in 1991, Tzu Chi held a series of charity events to solicit funds for a medical research center in eastern Taiwan. What were the features and the significance of these events?

Oversea Tzu Chi Collegiate Volunteers Ove

Decades after the founding of the Tzu Chi Collegiate Association, there are now Tzu Chi collegiate volunteers in many parts of the world. Over time, they've lived up to Dharma Master Cheng Yen's expectations by promoting Tzu Chi's missions in their countries of residence.

Tzu Chi Collegiate Association Tzu Chi Col

On May 31, 1992, the Tzu Chi Collegiate Association was founded in Taipei, with over 170 students from over 40 schools involved. Why was the association established, and what were Dharma Master Cheng Yen's expectations for its members?

The Silent Mentor Program The Silent Men

What are the features of the silent mentor program at Tzu Chi's medical school, and what have the students learned from it?

Da Ai Journal

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